‚D-ark studio‘ is an architectural studio, created in Plovdiv, Bulgaria by arch. KIRIL NIKOLOV SABCHEV and arch. DANIELA MARINOVA TSONKOVA-SABCHEVA.
We work together since 1992. Since then we have designed a great number of projects in a vast variety of function.
The principle of our work is to provide the client with all the information, so that he could participate actively in the design process. We literally sit together with our client in front of the computer and design the building in 2D and 3D in parallel, especially in the conceptual stage of the project. We are not trying to impose a certain style, we provoke the client to express his own preferences and on that basis we create the functional-spatial and social-economic characteristics of the design.
The whole process - architectural design as an intellectual product materialized in a building depends on all participants in the construction process. As one of those participants the architect in Bulgaria has the legal copyright of the design and is obliged to exercise supervision during the whole construction process. In fact some of the builders, and often the supervisory companies, mildly said disagree to the designer’s attempt to control the quality and quantity of work and input materials.
The vicious and harmful practice of the builders to lie about the input materials and executed work must end. The client has the greatest interest to ensure that what is designed in the project should be properly executed on the construction site.
In case the client does not realize that the architect’s job does not end with the building permit and its most important part starts with the construction of the building - the exercise of supervision in construction, we dutifully will convince him/her otherwise till the end of the construction process.
The firm works with almost permanent designers and engineers and successfully organizes the whole process of research and design, both of urban planning and investment projects. We prefer to contract and execute the design fully in its all stages and parts.
We are opened for partnerships with other firms with the same creative and financial interest, but not on the account of unreasonable price or low quality of the projects.

1965 - Born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
1984 - Graduated the High School of Arts "Ts. Lavrenov" in Plovdiv
1992 - Graduated from HIACE/UACEG/ in Sofia – M.sc. of architecture
1997 - Member of the Chamber of architects in Bulgaria /CAB/
1992 – 1993 – architect in the municipal firm “GENPLAN” - Plovdiv
1993 – 2000 – architect of private practice
2000 – 2004 – head of department “CITY PLAN” in the municipality of Plovdiv
2004 – till now – architect of private practice, manager of D-ark studio

1990 - Born in Sofia, Bulgaria
2009 - Graduated the EDS "Plovdiv" in Plovdiv
2015 - Graduated from NBU in Sofia – M.sc. of architecture